According to my cohort Pinky, I am in fact The Brain!
So where to start! ahh yes world domination again!
Hmm maybe I watch too many cartoons, points out of ten for Meep Meep!
Ohh gots me new books, and a new lock today :) The books are of course available from Unicorn Tree Books in Lincoln Central Market to order - or you can get them from bookshopdotorg and support us there too and get tjen deliver right to your door! Heres the links right to them for you! - Draw Breath by Tom Granger. Just a fab fun book 9n different drawing/doodling activities that are all about regulating your breathing to move into a mindful and meditative space. Just really lovely for those that might struggle with yoga or just quieting the mind without an action involved! - With Nature in Mind by Andy McGeeney - great for Forest Church activity ideas or those wanting to do outside activities that have a mindful or positive effect to them. - Nature and Therapy by Martin Jordan - good book looking at how nature works positively for us and can be a tool for therapy and healing - includes some exercises and activities too, also a section on how, for instance a spiritual director or life coach, could perhaps move their practice from inside to outside and what they need to practically consider on all levels not least in terms of safeguarding and confidentially. The stickers were from Unicorn Tree Books and are probably going to end up decorating the work diaries as I pretend I have the Bullet Journal artistic chic thing going on - but really I still just like stickers and why should it just be a kid thing 😉 So then finally the lock is not just Sold secure Gold but sold secure Diamond which is the new highest level - also its a long lock so actually fits the bike rather than me having to loop two together - only took me over a year to finally get one! and my fave bit is the key has a little light built in so I can see the keyhole in the dark 😁 (sorry you can't see the actual lock it's on the bike already!). So yeah a good haul :) #booksaremybag #booksbybike #books #BookshopDotOrg
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