Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Grand Operation Rearrange Shop Tour

Wow - what a major week we had last week with Grand Operation Rearrange! To say this Bookshop Boss is a tad tuckered might be putting it mildly ;)

So if you wanted a day by day catalogue of Grand Operation Rearrange from start to finish then hop over to http://www.facebook.com/UnicornTreeBooks and peruse the pics - if however you just want to know what the shop looks like post Grand Operation Rearrange then just watch this instead!

Anyway I hope this little tour has made you want to pop in for a visit in person, to sit down and enjoy yourself a little, maybe have a little chat - and who knows maybe there might even be some fairtrade tea, coffee or hot chocolate available to enjoy too!

Remember we are here to serve you and we really appreciate your support - go on Shop Local and use an Independent - it's better for all of us when we go local to go global ;-)
So we'll look forward to seeing you, recieving an email from you, chatting on the phone (01522 525557) with you or even facebooking or twittering with you when you come in for your books, gifts, cards, crafts, candles, stationery, ereader, fairtrade product or for anything else we sell!
- or indeed for any other reason too!

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