Friday, May 01, 2009

Buy Local to Keep Local People In Jobs!

Buy local to keep local people in jobs
Lincolnshire Bites Back buy local campaign This is Lincolnshire.

This is an important idea and something I would like to remind people of, because buying local isn’t just about food, it’s about everything!

Yes that includes bookshops as well - sure it is probably easier late at night or sitting at the desk to buy from Amazon or one of the other names, ( and no I don’t blame you and I entirely understand where you are coming from!) but the truth is when you do that you do run the risk of loosing your local shop, and with it the employee’s of that shop loosing their jobs, and in the longer term the benefits to your community!

There are ways to support your local shop and work with them and still have the benefits of quick fix shopping or savings.

In our case you can use our Amazon Affiliates shop, thus benefitting ourselves and yourself. Don’t go straight to, instead bookmark us and go through our affiliate link!

Sure we would prefer you just used us directly, dropped us an email ( ) or twitter us, or even leave us an phone message (01522 525557) telling us the book you want and then we could get it for you and supply it, it’s entirely possibly we might even have it in already. If you can’t pick it up we can post it, but if you can pick it up it’s great! we can chat and you might even see some other things you want and we might even share our sweets with you!

Please think local first, - we want to serve you, we want to support you, we want to work with you - we really need you and we know it, and maybe one day you will really need us and then we truly will know we are part of the same community that works and lives together.

Ok so that’s the non-party political broadcast and begging session over! normal service will resume in the bookshop and I will be the one sucking down the caramel flavoured coffee whilst fighting new booking in systems! Say hello and save me! see you in the bookshop, on twitter, or any of the other methods we can be a community together!

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